Important Origins (Part 2 in the series, How God changes our neighborhood) In the first part of this series I set up this idea that the key theological concept of Christmas, the Incarnation, can be boiled down into a simple…
10 things I wish everyone knew about Jesus
Father James Martin is the editor-at-large for the Jesuit magazine America and author of several books, including Jesus: A Pilgrimage, The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything, and Between Heaven and Mirth. He is also, in the words of Stephen Colbert,…
Christmas – remembering the stable
I really can’t say Christmas better than this. “On one night of all nights Christ did it, coming down the stairs of heaven with a child in his arms.” –Paul Scherer, Love is a Spendthrift “Almighty God, who now in…
There is purpose
There’s an argument going on. Sometimes you have to listen closely, but it’s rumbling beneath the polite noise of our sophisticated society like the background radiation of the Big Bang, filling every black hole as it sweeps across an infinite…
The Myth of Righteous America: Why white people support Darren Wilson
The shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson and the choking death of Eric Garner in Staten Island have dominated the news cycle for weeks, making it almost impossible to get any other issue onto the agenda. Immigration, Ebola and…
Jesus, Africa, refugees, and a retelling of the Christmas narrative
The following two tabs change content below.BioLatest Posts Latest posts by (see all) What are the Theological Disciplines?: The Christian Academy as University – December 10, 2015 The Intellectual Life Together – December 8, 2015 What Child Is This?: The…
How can Jesus and Santa get along?
Every year I struggle with a Christmas ritual that millions of parents have no problem with: a visit with Santa Claus in a season that is about Jesus. How can Jesus and Santa get along? Why do I struggle? For some parents, Christmas…
Jesus, Superheroes, & Advent
No question. We have become obsessed with superheroes. In the next few years there is expected to be over 30 superhero movies directed, produced, and released to a general public who cannot get enough of seeing their favorite comic book…
Is Jesus irrelevant to the immigration debate?
Elation and outrage. President Obama’s executive decision on immigration sparked one reaction or the other in the American soul, if there is such a thing. Perhaps we must speak of two American souls.