Let’s look at more of those specific site-planning influences that your architect considers when developing a master plan. Last month we touched upon mission and program, demographics, zoning, context and future re-sale considerations. The list gets longer! • Vehicular access….
ASK THE ARCHITECT: Master plan criteria
Whether your church is relocating to a new site or expanding within your existing property, there are a number of master plan criteria to consider. The following will impact the shaping of your master plan — they are the specific…
ASK THE ARCHITECT: Sacred spaces and places
We begin with the profound question: Can we design a space with assurance that it will be perceived as a sacred place by those who experience it? Even more profound is this awesome yet humbling responsibility we have, as architects,…
ASK THE ARCHITECT: Get the most out of your existing facilities
As your building committee journeys through the program workshops with your architect, a concurrent exercise should include a comprehensive look at existing facilities. Know what you have! An existing facilities condition survey conducted by your architect is an invaluable tool…
ASK THE ARCHITECT: Surveys are helpful, though optional, homework
At this stage of your church’s building program you are still gathering general information about your mission, who you are as a church, future programs and ministry needs, etc. Workshops with the building committee and architect are underway, and the…
ASK THE ARCHITECT: Snappy themes captures unique meaning and purpose
Add some color to your building program! Be creative — give it a life-breathing name, a snappy theme, that captures its unique meaning and purpose. Ultimately this will telegraph the signature message of what your building program and new project…
ASK THE ARCHITECT: We’re ready to build! How do we go about it?
So you’re ready to build? Ah, now the fun begins! You have already recognized the need to build, formed the building committee and even selected a few subcommittees. And you have appointed that all-important prayer committee to undergird your journey. It…
ASK THE ARCHITECT: Town hall meeting builds consensus in congregation
What is this town hall meeting all about? Last month I promised a discussion on the purpose and format for a successful town hall meeting that should be sandwiched between those building committee workshops. Speaking of sandwiches, that is precisely…
ASK THE ARCHITECT: Getting organized to build: What committees are needed?
We continue our journey toward a new building to the glory of God! I previously identified the cross-sectional talents and skills required of persons on a building committee to appropriately address church program needs. This committee is composed of 10…