While millions of Americans are packing up shoebox gifts to be distributed by his faith-based nonprofit, Franklin Graham is using social media to deny the results of the presidential election and warn his followers of the coming “godless, secular agenda”…
What counseling domestic abuse victims taught me about the election results
One of the difficult and sad responsibilities that falls to counselors such as my wife, Anna, and myself is working with victims of domestic violence. We share that difficult task with law enforcement, with the exception that these cases can…
2020 vote shows religious identity held steady with slight change among Catholics and Mormons
Religious identity trends appear to have held fairly steady in the 2020 presidential election, based on a combination of exit polling and pre-election surveys. Because of the enormous number of Americans who voted by mail or in advance this year,…
Mohler endorses Trump while Piper disses Trump and feels the backlash
Al Mohler already has voted for Donald Trump, but John Piper won’t vote for either Trump or Joe Biden. Two bits of significant national news within the last week from the Calvinist wing of evangelical Christianity. Mohler, president of Southern…
Who will America’s pastors vote for in presidential race?
If you’re wondering who those “undecided” voters are, it turns out a portion of them are pastors. New research by LifeWay Research found 53% of America’s Protestant pastors said they intend to vote for Donald Trump and 21% said they…
‘Pro-life evangelicals’ endorse Biden, Dobson rallies forces for Trump, and ‘MAGA Church’ debuts
More than 5,000 “pro-life evangelicals” have signed an online letter noting their opposition to abortion but the necessity of voting for Joe Biden in this year’s presidential contest. “As pro-life evangelicals, we disagree with Vice President Biden and the Democratic…
Mormons and the 2020 presidential election: It’s complicated
Because of the way the Electoral College works in U.S. presidential contests, Mormons could play a decisive role in this year’s election. At play, the swing states of Nevada and Arizona and a surprising decreasing loyalty to the Republican Party…
400 faith leaders ask Trump to end immigrant family separations
More than 400 faith leaders from diverse backgrounds have signed a letter asking the Trump administration and Republican National Convention to change their policy of separating families and putting immigrant children in detention camps. The letter was organized by New…
What Abe Lincoln tells us about Trump, Biden, guns, God and Falwell Jr.
In the land of the free and the home of the I-don’t-have-to-wear-a-mask-if-I-don’t-want-to-even-to-save-lives, we’re less than three months from the presidential election, and it’s getting nastier by the day. On the way to Nov. 3, apparently even God will not be…