As the jury drew near to the end of its deliberations I tried to keep current with the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the man who ran the now-infamous Philadelphia abortion clinic, and who was charged with the death of five…
OPINION: Divesting doctrine
A recent Religious Herald included a review of Brian McLaren’s new book, Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? I first encountered McLaren in college through his book, A New Kind of Christian. Here, through the…
OPINION: Creating contexts for conversion, part 1
What is the likeliest context in which someone who is not currently a Jesus follower will take up such a journey? This is the question readily apparent and to which several answers were given at a recent conference I had…
OPINION: The lens of life
As we draw near to the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth from the dead, my mind is drawn to Paul’s magnificent exclamation near the end of his first letter to a group of Jesus followers in the…
OPINION: Worldviews and the contraceptive mandate opt-out
Having followed much of the controversy surrounding what has become known as the contraceptive mandate, I was at first buoyed by the news that the Obama administration was going to offer a rule change. The original mandate was and is…
OPINION: On faith and science
When reading the Religious Herald the other day, a headline caught my eye: “Study says faith, science not at odds.” Opening the page I was greeted with a review of a recently published study out of MIT declaring the divide…
OPINION: The real question in the homosexual debate
Recently, as I was nearing the end of my weekly walk through the Religious Herald, I came across Drexel Rayford’s opinion piece in which he charged the Baptist General Association of Virginia with having a “Galileo moment.” I confess that…
VIRGINIA BAPTIST FORUM: Evolution is uncertain
I am responding to previous letters by Marylee Sturgiss (April 23), John Klink (March 12) and Spencer Williams (May 7). Ms. Sturgiss, please allow me to humbly treat the various issues you raise in your response to Mr. Klink in…