The first Labor Day was celebrated Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City, thanks to the efforts of that city’s Central Labor Union. Leading up to that first Labor Day, there was a massive march by sweatshop workers in…
Before you protest at a Pride parade, look closely at what the Bible actually says
I look forward to marching in the Pride parade with my church each year. We have had a float in the parade almost from the parade’s beginning. Each year there are protesters. Almost always, there is someone holding a Bible;…
Fundamentalism is not the only religious voice unless we give up
The Psalmist writes: “Yonder is the sea, great and wide, creeping things innumerable are there, living things both small and great. There go the ships, and Leviathan that you formed to sport in it.” Using the tools of biblical criticism, we…
More thoughts on Mary breastfeeding, hierarchy and ‘kin-dom’ versus ‘kingdom’
Peel back the layers of our modern-day debate over the role of women in the church and you’ll find the underlying stumbling block has to do with hierarchy and bodies. BNG ran an Advent series written by Julia Goldie Day…
Holy Week cannot be about personal salvation and nothing more
They entered the city on March 24. Many came by foot. Some of them from the mount, not of Olives but the various mountains and hills that surround Nashville, Tenn. They came with modern palm branches — protest signs. The…
There is freedom beyond substitutionary atonement, Alliance of Baptists panelists say
Moving past belief in penal substitutionary atonement can positively impact Christians’ spiritual, emotional and mental health, according to participants in panel discussions presented during the 2022 virtual gathering of the Alliance of Baptists. The theme of the April 22-24 meeting,…
This Christmas, they can try to control the Bible, but they can’t have Jesus
I wanted to be an R.A. They had so much more fun than the G.A.s. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, for many years in Southern Baptist churches, Wednesday night programing for children was…
If Jesus could be changed by a sass-mouthed woman, maybe legislators and governors can be too
In Texas, vehement castigations of Critical Race Theory are being thrown around when a last grasp at holding onto white supremacy is what was actually passed in the Legislature. This bill seeks to deny our hard truths, our painful history,…
Pharaoh is the model for American politicians who want to forget our history
The stories we tell matter. The stories some try to silence matter, too, maybe even more. Legislatures across our country are using the rhetoric of fear to push through bills that seek to control the story of our country. So…