Here are some ways Baptist (and other Christian) men can change their behaviors to better listen to – and engage, empower and learn from – Baptist (and other Christian) women.
It’s not too late, even for extroverts like me, to cultivate silence as a Lenten practice
Fortunately, God has not called me to be a monk. But, by cultivating the discipline of silence during Lent, I see ways God is doing a new work in me.
In a culture of shouting, people of faith must address America’s listening deficit
How can Christians demonstrate how to listen deeply in a culture of shouting, especially when listening to shouting is so spiritually and emotionally draining? Only out of listening – and hitting a personal pause button on all the feigned and manufactured social outrage – do I actually have a voice.
In a divided society, maybe we should shut up and listen
Years ago my oldest child, who was in kindergarten or first grade at the time, came home from school and told me that he heard one of his classmates use the “S” word. I was like, “Ah, ‘S’ word! Not…
Do we know how to listen to one another?
If we are only interested in collecting the stories and experiences within our pews with no intention of allowing persons to affect change in our minds and in our communities, we continue to commit the sin of oppression.
Idolatrous listening: A time-saving habit
I want you to pull my britches down …. Say again? And on cue, as if the song could read my thoughts. I heard the same line for a second time. Nightmare scenarios started running through my head involving my…
The spiritual practice of listening
By Jayne Hugo Davis When two of my sisters asked me what I wanted as a gift for my 50th birthday, I told them a collection of family stories — their personal recollections of family history, anecdotes or folly that,…