The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has selected veteran Baptist journalist Marv Knox to lead a new network aimed at expanding the 1,800-church network’s reach in the southwestern United States. Officials at the Decatur, Ga.,-based CBF announced April 13 that Knox, editor…
Baylor places values ahead of victories
Baylor University has risen to the ideals of its Texas Baptist heritage, thanks to the courage and commitment of its board of regents.
The flaws in ‘religious liberty’ laws
As the prevailing culture turns further away from their beliefs and comfort zones, some Baptists and other conservative Christians are tempted to exert the last vestiges of their middle-class majoritarian power to pass “religious liberty” laws that protect their privilege.
The ‘downward death spiral’ of hypocrisy
January 28, 2016 By Marv Knox / Editor Which speaks louder-words or deeds? This isn’t a benign question, particularly this week. The Iowa caucus officially kicks off the 2016 presidential primary season Feb. 1. As Americans prepare to choose a…
Increasing diversity offers platform for authenticating faith
Diversity is scaring the bejabbers out of America. Watch news programs on television. Listen to call-in stations on radio. And if you’ve got the gumption, read posts on Facebook and pay attention to the stuff that gets forwarded on email….
How do we balance religious liberty and rule of law?
If you could collect a dime every time U.S. media mention “religious liberty” between now and Election Day 2016, you could fund your own Super-PAC — or maybe even bankroll your own run for the White House. We’re going to…
Heroes in Farmersville Muslim cemetery fuss: Religious-liberty-lovin’ Baptists
I initially wasn’t exceedingly jazzed about the idea of writing today’s Farmersville editorial, which is pegged to tonight’s forum in the rural Collin County community about plans for a Muslim cemetery just west of town. It’s a juicy story no…
Muslims, a cemetery & Baptist principles
A proposed cemetery in Texas may be causing old-time Baptists to roll in their graves. Muslims want to develop a cemetery in Farmersville, a still-rural village in eastern Collin County, about 35 miles northeast of downtown Dallas. Some locals-Baptists among…
Same-sex marriage: Church divided, but liberty protected
Same-sex marriage is the law of the land. Outcries to the contrary, the Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges decision did not herald the demise of religious liberty in America.