Bill McCartney, the acclaimed coach who led Colorado’s moribund football team to a national championship and founded Promise Keepers, a ministry that inspired a nationwide Christian men’s movement and urged believers to confront the sins of racism, died last Friday…
The problem with men’s conferences
The problem with Christian men’s conferences may not be the men or the speakers, it may be the very idea of a “men’s” conference. Such events have become popular in modern American churches, particularly among evangelicals. And sometimes they create…
Belmont says no to Promise Keepers after warning of ‘mutilated bodies’ in anti-trans post
Spreading “biblical” hate speech about transgender people apparently got Promise Keepers booted from using a venue at Belmont University for a fall event. Although details are sketchy and contested, the bottom line appears to be that the evangelical men’s organization…
Men’s ministry needs more than, eggs, bacon and football
I have always valued men’s ministry and find it to be a needed asset to the body of Christ, but it wasn’t until my brief contract with Promise Keepers that I began to dig into the heart of what a…
In praise of billiards: A tool for ministry
When I was in my early sixties, my mother moved into an adult retirement community not far from our home. There she took up the game of pool. Every afternoon, she and a group of women played doubles. She became…
FBC Woodstock says it is ‘incorrect’ that Johnny Hunt will lead a men’s conference there next February
After resigning from a Southern Baptist Convention leadership position in June due to previous sexual impropriety, Johnny Hunt planned to return to his former church to lead a conference on biblical living for men. Whether First Baptist Church of Woodstock,…
Promise Keepers plans a stadium rally after 20 year gap, will fight liberals and LGBTQ community
After a 20-year gap, Promise Keepers is making a comeback with a July rally in Arlington, Texas, that will call Christian men to fight against the LGBTQ agenda, its leader said. Ken Harrison, new president of the parachurch organization that…