Almost every week, another new study seems to document the decline of congregational life in America. I think the decline can all be traced to moral decay. What do you think? Surveys show the generation on the cusp of adulthood,…
RIGHT or WRONG? Emerging Church
Our church just hired a pastor who is young enough to be the child of many members. His language about “the emerging church,” “postmodernism” and “interfaith dialogue” distresses older members. Communication and context seem to be the issues in conflict…
RIGHT OR WRONG? Being transparent in church
Few Baptists seem to practice our old adage, “Tell the truth and trust the people.” For example, too much church business goes on behind closed doors. How can our church balance operating on a need-to-know basis and making the truth…
RIGHT or WRONG: Churches and marketing
Our church has gotten involved in strategy planning and marketing. Help me understand how this language and these endeavors are not just crass worldliness. Strategy planning and marketing are practices used by for-profit businesses and corporations, often to great effect….
So many current and former pastors and other church staff people have been in the news lately involved in sexual and financial scandals. What kind of background checks can a search committee legitimately implement to attempt to keep these kinds…