By Aaron Weaver Parachute missions. Poverty tourism. Vacationary. These descriptors are frequently invoked to characterize and critique a misguided (western) approach to missions — an approach that many say encourages an unhealthy dependency and paternalism. “Contrary to popular belief, most…
Thinking beyond stereotypes about bivocational ministry
Because of many unwarranted stereotypes about bivocational* ministry in some denominations, congregations, and Christian cultures or tribes, it is unfortunately seen as second-class ministry. This is overwhelmingly not true. Such a perspective limits the possibilities of innovative congregational staffing patterns…
Bi-vocational: Mission impossible?
Recently, I participated in a wonderful gathering of diverse ministers and laypersons who were called together to discuss economic challenges facing future ministers. The conversation was both broad and deep, for each person brought unique experience and perspective to the…
Is church a waste a time?
If I could have more money or more time, I’d take more time. No doubt. There’s so much I want to do in this world, too much to see, to experience, to know. Nothing puts me in a foul mood…
The truth about the church and social justice
What a time to be alive in American history. Political tensions are high, racial tensions are high, sexual orientation tensions are high… people are fighting for their beliefs with passion and commitment on both sides, and that in and of…
The pastor’s dilemma: To friend or not to friend
By Jeff Brumley A Baptist pastor and columnist recently wrote that becoming friends with members of his church was bumping up against his seminary training. “The standard and dominant view is that the office of pastor has clearly defined boundaries…
Church joins movement offering hands-on ministry experience to young people
By Linley McCord Pastor Richard Rogers sees young members as vital to the church’s health and survival. So, University Heights Baptist Church in Huntsville, Texas, launched a program to employ young members in leadership roles. Located near Sam Houston State University,…
Beware the calling
– Reflections from a spouse for ministers who support their communities during a season of funerals and tragedies Clergy, beware the calling and tread carefully before you enter into its wake. Beware the calling for it is disguised in nobility,…
Say THIS not THAT: 9 things to edit out of Christian helping speech
Nine Things Christians Can Edit Out of Our “Helping Speech” A few months ago I was really struggling with anxiety and migraines. I felt overwhelmed and and a general sense that life was too much to handle. I called on…