Which can you more likely recite over Sunday lunch after worship: a point from the sermon or a refrain from a hymn?
Photo Gallery: Hymns for a Lifetime
In this “Singing Our Faith” series, we learn about Ken Wilson’s hymn-teaching process and the love for hymns he instilled in the children at Knollwood Baptist Church during three decades of ministry. We also examine some of the trends and changes in church music and ministry. All photos taken in this photo gallery are by Norman Jameson or from the archives of Knollwood Baptist Church.
Churches must ‘count the cost’ of pursuing youth on social media
Youth have abandoned Facebook in favor of other social media platforms. Data recently released by the Pew Research Center shows Facebook rates fourth behind YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat among young people. So, should churches with strong Facebook presences follow younger…
Powerful spiritual force needed to counter critical national, world challenges
Research shows that a slight majority of Americans believe religion can solve most of the world’s problems. According to Gallup, 55 percent of Americans hold that view. Broken down by politics, 71 percent of Republicans and 47 percent of Democrats express that…
Decades of life with the ‘Lost Boys’ from South Sudan: Charlotte church loves their neighbors as themselves
Martha Kearse knew the young men were out of their element as soon as she saw them milling in bewilderment at the grocery store’s vast array of options. Very tall, very thin and very confused, they stood out like flies in a glass of milk. Kearse suspected they were some of the Lost Boys of South Sudan that she’d seen featured on the TV news magazine 60 Minutes.
Photo Gallery: Lost Boys in photos
All photos taken in this photo gallery of the Lost Boys are by Norman Jameson. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”16″ gal_title=”Lost Boys of Sudan: St. John’s Baptist Charlotte”] In this ‘Welcoming the Stranger’ series, we learn what happens when one…
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Seeking Restoration
Congolese refugees and CBF field personnel build Beloved Community in Raleigh By Blake Tommey In 1994, the first time the Pew Research Center polled Americans about the effect of immigrants on the country, 63 percent agreed that immigrants are “a…
American pastor in Canada doesn’t miss culture wars, church growth pressures
When U.S. pastor Justin Joplin accepted a call to a Baptist church in Canada, he found a Baptist identity free from anxiety over a decline from majority cultural status. That is liberating, he says.
Latino churches adapting to declining Hispanic identity, pastor says
It would be understandable for pastors of Hispanic churches in the United States to worry about new data showing that Latino identity is fading across generations. Wouldn’t that ultimately portend membership declines for ethnic congregations as fewer and fewer self-identify…