Lately I’ve heard friends talking about how their Facebook feeds seem to be turning into echo chambers — that is, all the political posts they see are posts that reflect their own opinions. This has not happened to me, thanks solely to my online and real life relationship with my cousin Kevin.
The Whore of Babylon: Pimping the Body of Christ to the highest political bidder
“God is on our side” has led to more bloodletting in the form of crusades, wars, colonialism and genocides than any other human caused catastrophe — a truth in which all faith traditions have, at one time or another, participated. All churches have played the “whore,” falling into the temptation of tailoring the liberative Good News to sell a political ideology or party as ordained by God.
Following Christ in our public and political lives
I get nervous about declarations that our current times are the “most” anything in human history. So I hesitate to say our current situation is the “most” critical time to engage contemporary issues in the church.
Why the moment of silence has suddenly become very political
It could be the beginning of the end for one of the most oft-used expressions of humanity in American politics — the moment of silence for those who have died.
Candidates rebuff ‘say something nice’ challenge
A South Carolina Baptist layman voiced disappointment after the three remaining candidates for U.S. president rebuffed his challenge to a one-day moratorium on incivility. For the 10th anniversary of Say Something Nice Day, founder Mitch Carnell asked presidential candidates to…
Can the Religious Left be effective again? Short answer: No.
The vital beating heart of the religious left isn’t particularly interested in partisan politics. They’d much rather focus on developing social capital in strong communities.
A letter to North Carolina’s governor
In response to the recent passage of House Bill 2 in North Carolina, I penned my first-ever letter to our state’s governor, and posted that letter on our church’s webpage. I have had near-unanimous affirmation for my words. Two weeks…
Legislation would bar religious discrimination in immigration
The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty joined 30 other religious and religious-liberty organizations in a broad coalition urging passage of legislation making it illegal for Donald Trump, if elected president, to bar Muslim immigration. Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) unveiled the…
Russell Moore says Christian nation idea a form of theological liberalism
The Southern Baptist Convention’s top official for public policy and religious liberty concerns says, theologically speaking, America is not a Christian nation. In a Gospel Coalition video posted May 4 in advance of this week’s National Day of Prayer, Russell…