By Bob Allen Today’s young Christians aren’t interested in enlisting for the culture wars that created a brand of Christianity focused more on the ballot box than serving others, author and cultural commentator Jonathan Merritt says in a new book…
Sample Politics
Halvah gummies jujubes icing. Apple pie donut candy canes apple pie sesame snaps chocolate cake. Halvah caramels lemon drops cookie. I love I love faworki gummies. Jelly jelly beans gummi bears dessert topping I love jelly pudding. Macaroon tiramisu lemon…
The Bible and Obamacare
By Jim Denison The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (commonly known as Obamacare) is the most hotly debated legislation of our time. Its fate now rests with the Supreme Court, which recently heard three days of oral…
Baptist pastor featured in commercial critical of Alabama’s immigration law
By Bob Allen A Baptist pastor is featured in a new television commercial opposing Alabama’s immigration law unveiled by a group of Alabama clergy April 3. Steve Jones “We believe in reaching out and ministering to our community. Yet, under…
Land says activists using Trayvon Martin
By Bob Allen Southern Baptists top public-policy spokesman said on his radio program March 31 that black leaders are exploiting outrage over the shooting death of a Florida teenager to help President Obama get re-elected. Richard Land, president of the…
Land says activists using Trayvon Martin
By Bob Allen Southern Baptists top public-policy spokesman said on his radio program March 31 that black leaders are exploiting outrage over the shooting death of a Florida teenager to help President Obama get re-elected. Richard Land, president of the…
Land says activists using Trayvon Martin
By Bob Allen Southern Baptists top public-policy spokesman said on his radio program March 31 that black leaders are exploiting outrage over the shooting death of a Florida teenager to help President Obama get re-elected. Richard Land, president of the…
Southeastern Seminary rallies support for gay-marriage ban
By Bob Allen Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary devoted a special chapel service March 28 to rally support for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in North Carolina. Richard Land Keynote speaker Richard Land, head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s…
An ancient story; still true in 2012
By Marv Knox Our Bible study class has been reading from the Old Testament prophet Amos in the weeks leading up to Easter. This is the season the church calls Lent, a period of preparation for commemorating Jesus’ death, burial…