In the spring of 2020, early in the COVID pandemic, most United Methodist churches temporarily suspended in-person worship services. On the first Sunday of the suspension, I decided to worship online with a large, out of state United Methodist congregation….
When the Holy Spirit joined my Uber ride
This is not one of those preacher stories that ends with someone saying the sinner’s prayer and getting baptized. But redemption traveled with us that night as we talked about life, pain and hope.
Bouncing Into Graceland: Paul Simon, Frank Tupper, Southern Seminary and a ‘Scandalous Providence’
Frank Tupper’s view of providence is unflinchingly honest. We survive our personal Gethsemanes, not because we experience miraculous rescue, but because we are not alone: “Jesus has already gone through Gethsemane, a Gethsemane that we will never comprehend, and he stands with us in ours.”
A question both ancient and modern: Whose side is God on?
It’s an over-reach to conscript God’s favor for our political calculations, as if God has a pre-determined plan for each discrete nation, political party or individual leader. Our prayers to God about present circumstances should prompt our own actions to mend the world. God is always on that side.
We inexplicably walked away from a terrifying accident. We’re still shaken – by the weight of gratitude
Some people would tell our incredible story of tragedy averted and credit angels’ wings, the intervention of something powerful and supernatural. That doesn’t fit my theology. But I have no doubt God was with us.