A bipartisan resolution declaring that Russia is committing genocide in its nearly 3-year-old war in Ukraine has left one supporter of the Palestinians in Gaza calling it “problematic.”
What grownups know
“My mom’s the greatest!” Those are fighting words to many a child: “Oh yeah, well MY MOM’S the greatest!” An adult, on the other hand, likely smiles and says, “Yep, mine too.” Adults do nuance, and this includes adults who…
Ukrainian Baptists should be shocked that Baptists in America are abandoning them
I don’t understand why Speaker Mike Johnson, by all accounts a committed Baptist, is abandoning the Baptists of Bucha, Ukraine. We all remember Bucha as the city where, two years ago, Russian invaders raped, tortured and murdered. I also remember…
Navalny died for freedom. Will we live for it?
Alexei Navalny, Russia’s most prominent voice for freedom, is dead at 47 — murdered outright or worn down by the police state that relentlessly arrested him, jailed him, poisoned him, tormented him and finally sent him to the brutal Arctic…
Russian Baptist leader targeted, flees home after praying for peace
Yuri Sipko, a former president of the Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists in Russia, fled his homeland in August when authorities attempted to arrest him for publicly praying for peace in Ukraine. The retired pastor and former vice president of the…
Is American influence waning in Africa?
American Christians may think of Africa most often as a mission field, but the continent now plays a prominent role in global politics too. “Look, this forum is about building connections. It’s about closing deals. And above all, it’s about the…
These countries are called out for severe religious freedom violations
The oppression of Ukrainian religious communities should be added to the war crimes charges already filed against Russian leaders by judges in the Hague, an official with the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom said May 1. Brutal and ongoing…
80,000 Jews have fled Russia since Putin invaded Ukraine
Jews are urged to flee Russia as the persecution of religious minorities in that country increasingly matches the oppression of Ukrainian faith groups, an exiled rabbi said during a webinar hosted by the U.S. Commission on Religious Liberty. “This new…
In Ukraine: ‘We cannot just preach like we did before the war’
Ukrainian pastors have radically adjusted their ministries to meet the physical and spiritual needs of church members and countrymen since Russian forces invaded Ukraine almost a year ago. So says Igor Bandura, a pastor and vice president of the All-Ukrainian…