Three new and potentially explosive issues will come up for a vote by messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting Wednesday, June 12. That will happen before the convention considers another highly controversial matter carried over from last year…
Day before voting on Law Amendment, SBC removes church that is Mike Law’s neighbor
One day before the much-anticipated vote on a constitutional amendment that would clarify the Southern Baptist Convention’s rejection of women in ministry, messengers to the SBC annual meeting overwhelmingly kicked out another church for its “egalitarian” views. First Baptist Church…
SBC engages feisty debate on meaning of religious liberty before adopting resolution
That there are two distinct views on the meaning of religious liberty among Southern Baptists came into stark contrast June 11 during lengthy debate of a resolution “on defending religious liberty.” The convention’s Resolutions Committee put forward the resolution that…
Critics see NAMB race car as symbol of financial excess they still want to curb
The quest to demand great financial accountability from the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board accelerated as messengers to the SBC annual meeting in Indianapolis were greeted by an Indy race car wrapped with the NAMB logo. This prominent…
The Law Amendment would force out this Georgia church, among others
Struggling against the powers that be in the Southern Baptist Convention is nothing new to Dunwoody Baptist Church in North Atlanta. In 1989 and 1990 when he ran as the last “moderate” candidate in the SBC presidential race, Daniel Vestal…
This is what support looks like: The First Baptist Richmond story
On May 19, First Baptist Church of Richmond, Va., made Baptist history by voting to leave the Southern Baptist Convention in support of women in ministry. Their decision wasn’t driven by hatred for the SBC or a desire to move…
Watching SBC men posture for position is exhausting
It’s exhausting to the soul. That’s what I’m feeling as I consider all the possible stories I could write regarding what white conservative men have planned for this year’s Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Indianapolis. Capturing most headlines is…
Trump tells Southern Baptists, ‘You cannot vote for Democrats’ while Mohler opposes IVF
Donald Trump spoke to a group of Southern Baptists for about a minute and a half June 10 and warned them they cannot vote for Democrats because “they’re against religion” and “they’re against your religion.” Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee…
Southern Baptist Calvinists crave authority, not Baptist theology
Do not be fooled by the new Calvinists among the Southern Baptists who are stirring fears of liberals in the denomination. Lies are being told about liberal influences in one of the most conservative denominations in the nation. And the…