Gen Z is a post-Purity Movement generation, having barely escaped the doling out of purity rings. However, exemplified by the popularity of “Virginity Rocks” T-shirts and regalia, this does not mean sentiments of purity culture never impacted our cohort of…
Author of controversial book on sex as ‘icon of salvation’ resigns his pastorate
There’s nothing new about a pastor resigning due to controversy over sex, but now a pastor has resigned because he wrote a controversial book about sex. Josh Butler, co-lead pastor at Redemption Church in Tempe, Ariz., is author of the…
Evangelicals critical of that TGC article on Jesus and sex just don’t understand Catholic and Orthodox theology, Dreher contends
Protestants are “going bonkers” over a controversial article on Jesus and sex by Josh Butler because they don’t understand Catholic and Orthodox theology, according to conservative commentator Rod Dreher. Also, the widespread critique of Butler’s article for The Gospel Coalition…
We don’t need more ‘context’ to understand Josh Butler’s article on sex and the church
In the wake of The Gospel Coalition publishing a male-centric sexual fantasy about Christ penetrating the church, we are getting a clearer picture of how their alliance is characterized by carelessness and control in an attempt to build author platforms…
How viewing sex as an icon leads to the pornification of Christian women and the church as Christ’s bride
Editor’s note: The controversial article mentioned here was removed from The Gospel Coalition website sometime March 2, after generating a swirl of protest online. It is still available, however, in a excerpt of Josh Butler’s new book, Beautiful Union. The…
How men have controlled women using the Bible
Christianity has utilized a biased reading of the sacred biblical texts to privilege men as leaders in church, home and in most vocations. From the Old Testament to the 21st century, men authored, translated and edited most of Scripture and…
The importance of making virginity a personal choice within Christianity
John Chrysostom in his Major Treatises on Virginity argued that the first human beings were “adorned by virginity,” as they lived in a perfect and non-sexual state before the fall of humankind. Once the first sin occurred, this adornment ended,…
Do conservative evangelicals enjoy better sex and marriage? A response to Josh Howerton
Are conservative Christians doing better than people think when it comes to sex and marriage? That’s what Josh Howerton, senior pastor of Lakepointe Church, a Dallas megachurch, claimed in a viral twitter thread. He said conservative Christians who believe in…
The Great Sex Rescue throws a lifeline to evangelical women
The word is spreading through evangelical circles that, yes, it is OK for Christian women to enjoy sex as much as their husbands and that men, not their wives, are responsible for addressing their own struggles with lust and pornography,…