A vice is a vice until it’s not. How did gambling, once called by Walter Rauschenbusch “the vice of the savage,” become a glittering virtue of the American dream? Gambling, particularly for Baptists, has long been condemned. From Billy Sunday…
Is sports gambling any more immoral or risky than the stock market?
I love a good side hustle. I have a job I enjoy, but one of my favorite things about it is that I often have the flexibility to explore other opportunities in my free time, such as writing for Baptist…
Religion Notes: Pastors oppose sports gambling; Gardner-Webb featured in March Madness broadcast
Most Protestant pastors oppose sports gambling and its legalization, a position placing them at odds with much of society and even with their own congregations. “The large majority of pastors oppose sports betting,” Scott McConnell, executive director of LifeWay Research,…