Remember 2012, when Obama versus Romney seemed like a contentious presidential election? It was enough for a group of Mennonite ministers, who responded back then by launching the Election Day Communion movement. The idea was to inspire Christians to use…
Mission work takes on legal dimensions for Va.-based field personnel
Mission work and ministry are taking on a dizzying array of new looks in the 21st century. Just ask Greg and Sue Smith, Baptist missionaries who spent years performing traditional mission work in Latin America before opening a ministry serving…
Creative ministry takes on a life of its own among Panamanian Baptists
LA CHORRERA, Panama — When church leaders plan a meeting, there are always some “clowns” who show up. Usually leaders just hope they don’t all show up at once and dominate the meeting. But that’s exactly what Panamanian Baptists are…
LUCHA sponsors school supplies project
This year, approximately 110 children and youth from 20 area schools were provided with the basic supplies they need to return to school. The supply bags are specifically filled for each individual student according to his or her school, age,…