By Bob Allen Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., said in a podcast briefing Jan. 8 that U.S. Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) was on target in an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt about…
Prayers for Eastern Christians become easier sell for evangelicals
By Jeff Brumley and Ken Camp It’s hardly unusual to hear evangelicals and other Protestants praying for persecuted Eastern Christians these days, especially those fleeing terrorists forces in Syria and Iraq. But that wasn’t always the case. and if there…
In search of more Acts 10 moments
One of my favorite Bible verses appears in the story of Peter visiting Cornelius’ house in Acts 10. In verses 34-35, Peter says, “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts from every…
Faith leaders say it’s time to close Gitmo
By Bob Allen The head of American Baptist Churches USA joined other faith leaders in a Nov. 18 letter urging senators to support President Obama’s efforts to close the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ABC/USA General Secretary Roy Medley…
Groups want probe of NYPD surveillance
By Bob Allen The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty joined more than 120 national, state and local organizations in an open letter Oct. 24 urging the Department of Justice to investigate post 9/11 surveillance practices in New York City…
Prayers for friend in Kenyan mall
By Jeff Brumley The recent terrorist attack on a Kenyan mall proved to a former Passport Inc. camper and leaders of the Birmingham-based organization the spiritual value of forging international relationships. It all started Saturday morning when Nashville, Tenn., resident Bethany…
Trayvon and Abdulrahman
By Leroy Seat The name Trayvon, sadly, has become a household name in the United States and elsewhere, but many do not know the name Abdulrahman. Both young men were U.S. citizens born in 1995, and both were tragically killed…
Running toward the blast
By Susan Sparks Readers, do me a favor. Fold your arms and don the surliest expression you can manage. Done? Good. Now you know what my last standup comedy audience looked like. Mercifully, times like these don’t happen often. When…
Branch Davidian impact felt after 20 years
By Ken Camp Twenty years after a 51-day siege at the Mount Carmel compound near Waco, Texas, ended in the deaths of about 80 members of the Branch Davidian sect, the event continues to shape national debate on subjects ranging…