By Jeff Brumley There may just be an ancient solution to the modern church’s problems of decreasing attendance and rising religious illiteracy in a post-modern culture turned off by denominational brand names, some leading Baptist scholars and educators say. The…
The gift of uncertainty
I’m kind of a sucker for New Year’s. I love the idea that there is, built into our calendar, an annual “reset.” Even if I’ve had a pretty good year the year before, I always enjoy the idea of setting…
Where’s the passion?
Recently, Brett Younger wrote an article challenging seminaries to do more for their students: Seminaries should not focus on ministers being efficient, effective and successful. The church needs fervor, anger and desire. Seminaries should not produce ministers who want to…
Rethinking the sacredness of marriage
By Colin Harris The closing days of 2013 saw two more states gaining approval for marriage equality, bringing the total to 18, suggesting a clear political momentum that will not likely be reversed. Around and beneath this legal process has…
‘Duck Dynasty’ and the struggle over Christianity
By Thomas Whitley There is no such thing as Christianity. Let me repeat myself so you know I really meant to say it: There is no such thing as Christianity. What we have instead are reifications and definitions. As with…
‘Duck Dynasty’ and the struggle over Christianity
By Thomas Whitley There is no such thing as Christianity. Let me repeat myself so you know I really meant to say it: There is no such thing as Christianity. What we have instead are reifications and definitions. As with…
The spiritual test the church is failing
By Trey Lyon A recent study reported last week in ABPnews pointed to a growing gap in racial attitudes and experiences in the United States. This report was deeply disturbing, but not all that surprising, and I suspect the predominantly…
Baptist conservatives should celebrate their heroes quickly
According to a front page, above-the-fold, article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has launched a 12-year project that will see 69 heroes of the conservative resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention celebrated in stained-glass. This ambitious…
Advent: the scenic route to Christmas
In the 1970’s when Interstate 20 opened between Atlanta and Birmingham, many local residents were looking forward to faster travel on the new freeway. For years, my family had traveled to Birmingham from Anniston on old highway 78, a two-lane…