To understand the sinister forces working to influence the November election, pay close attention to the expanding alliance between religious, political and economic powers arrayed against American democracy, scholar Kristin Kobes Du Mez writes in a recent Substack post. The…
Gov. Abbott claims victory on school vouchers but chief critic says he’s counting his chickens before they hatch
The Texas Legislature now stands on the cusp of passing school voucher legislation, thanks to the results of primary runoffs held statewide May 28. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a staunch supporter of private school vouchers funded with taxpayer money, declared…
Sorry, Tim Dunn, you are a Christian nationalist
In the land of Lyndon Baines Johnson, George Herbert Bush and George W. Bush, you may not have heard of billionaire Tim Dunn. Although billionaires do seem to grow naturally in Texas. Dunn is among at least 44 known billionaires…