Evangelist Franklin Graham is calling for a boycott of Target, blaming a recent incident in one of its stores on the retailer’s two-year-old policy allowing transgender shoppers and workers to use the restroom of their choice rather than the one…
‘Nashville Statement’ condemns LGBT Christians and those who support them
Top leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention joined other evangelical leaders in a statement Aug. 29 declaring homosexuality and transgender identity to be sinful and not something about which faithful Christians can agree to disagree. The Nashville Statement was discussed…
Former SBC ethics czar revels in access to Trump White House
Despite serving a quarter century as the Southern Baptist Convention’s point man on public policy, Southern Evangelical Seminary President Richard Land says he never had the White House’s ear the way he does now as a member of President Donald…
Pastor says not all Baptists support ‘bathroom bill’
A Texas Baptist pastor joined interfaith clergy in a rally outside the state Capitol Aug. 1 challenging the narrative that the faith community as a whole supports proposed legislation to require transgender people to use public bathrooms that match the…
Baptist-backed ‘bathroom bill’ advances in Texas
The Texas state senate voted July 25 to advance a controversial “bathroom bill” backed by social conservative groups including the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention.
Progressive clergy oppose ‘bathroom bills’ in Texas
Faith leaders across the country and in Texas wrote letters May 3 urging state legislators to reject proposed “bathroom bills” similar to North Carolina’s controversial HB2, a measure partially repealed due to pressure from economic boycotts. Clergy gathered Wednesday morning…
Alliance of Baptists encourages churches to welcome transgender persons
Meeting in North Carolina April 27-29, members of the Alliance of Baptists called on affiliated churches to engage in “political activism grounded in a compassionate theology” in opposition to laws restricting access to public gender-segregated restrooms and other facilities based…
AWAB leader among clergy, groups, speaking up for fired transgender mortician
The chair-elect of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists joined 74 other faith leaders and religious and civil-rights organizations in a legal brief filed April 24 supporting a former transgender funeral home employee in Michigan who claimed she was…
Four dozen Baptists side with transgender teen in bathroom battle
Nearly 50 clergy members identifying with the Alliance of Baptists, American Baptist Churches USA or Cooperative Baptist Fellowship joined a legal brief filed March 2 supporting a transgender student’s case before the U.S. Supreme Court. In all more than 1,800…