Normally, I’m a defender of the so-called “mainstream media,” in part because I am one of that group. However, when it comes to understanding and reporting on Israel and Palestine, almost all media outlets have failed Americans who seek clear…
5 ministers reflect on the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington
The 1963 March on Washington should be memorialized because it continues to inspire the struggle for democracy, justice and racial equality, said Elijah Zehyoue, co-director of the Alliance of Baptists. “The march represents a moment when people came together across…
I opposed John Roberts because I recalled Roger Taney
On June 29, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down affirmative action admissions programs at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina. The majority opinion for both decisions was written by Chief Justice John Roberts Jr….
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is wrong about Martin Luther King and affirmative action
After the Supreme Court of the United States struck down affirmative action admission programs at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina, Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders issued the following post on Twitter. As Martin Luther King Jr said,…
Remembering the Tulsa race massacre of 1921
On the evening of May 31, 1921, a mob of white people attacked the homes and businesses of Black people who lived in the thriving Greenwood community — considered the “Black Wall Street” — of Tulsa, Okla. Throughout that night…
This week, we must remember the Palestinian Nakba
May 15, 1948 — 75 years ago yesterday — a human rights travesty began that most U.S. politicians, religionists and media outlets do not mention. On May 15, Palestinians and those of us who are in solidarity with their liberation…
The Hateful Faithful are a threat in every religion and every country
In the past week, followers of Jesus observed Maundy Thursday and Good Friday rituals followed by Easter Sunday. The same week, adherents of Judaism were preparing for Passover. Meanwhile, followers of Islam were observing daily fasts during the month of…
Griffen and Ravitch warn Floridians of dangers of DeSantis’ attack on public education
Baptist minister and retired Arkansas judge Wendell Griffen stood before an audience of faith leaders and education advocates in Tallahassee, Fla., March 9, pointed to his lapel and dared Gov. Ron DeSantis to have him apprehended for being politically and…
Describing the State of the Union response from Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders by another word
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary identifies “defining moment” as a time that shows very clearly what something is really about. If that definition is taken seriously, the response by Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union…