Three United Methodists were killed Dec. 15 when a United Methodist Church in northeast Nigeria was attacked allegedly by supporters of the breakaway Global Methodist Church. A few days prior to the attack, a dissident organization that has promoted the…
The new battleground for Methodists is in Africa
Hope and jubilation were palpable at the United Methodist General Conference in Spring 2024. Conservative forces that had hammered away at the denomination for more than half a century had decamped, unfortunately taking with them more than 7,600 local congregations,…
What comes next for the United Methodist Church?
Not even the sainted hymnist of Methodism, Charles Wesley, could sing better of the United Methodist Church’s future than King George III in the musical Hamilton: What comes next? Regrouping after decades-long conflicts over human sexuality, declining membership, decreased revenues…
In stunning development, United Methodist African bishops repudiate separatist group
Separatist forces suffered a major blow to their political strategy Sept. 8 when a majority of African bishops repudiated a special interest group and its traditionalist sponsor for “working to destroy our United Methodist Church.” The “Statement from Africa Colleges…
United Methodist Church split draws celebration, lament and soul-searching
A funny thing happened after the theologically conservative Global Methodist Church officially launched on May 1: Dozens of United Methodists took to social media to voice their reasons for staying with the denomination that the GMC’s parent body has denounced…
Traditionalists’ exit speeds up as official decisions on United Methodist Church’s future delayed to 2024
The United Methodist Church’s future won’t be decided officially until 2024, thanks to a third postponement of its church-wide legislative assembly, but traditionalists have chosen not to wait any longer, formally starting their breakaway denomination May 1. After two years…
Traditionalist United Methodists’ offer to pay for vaccination of African delegates is not the shot in the arm they thought it would be
United Methodist politics erupted in a public confrontation this week as three international bishops and a dozen other church leaders denounced a traditionalist group’s offer to provide coronavirus immunizations for General Conference delegates from countries with limited vaccine access. The…
United Methodists renewing their vows through annual Wesley Covenant Service may struggle this year
Whatever future 2022 may hold, one thing is certain: Come the first Sunday in January, millions of United Methodists will renew their vows in a beloved tradition known as the Wesley Covenant Service. This year, however, the covenant service takes…
United Methodists chafe at their wilderness wandering
Some have likened the current time in the United Methodist Church to the biblical exodus of Hebrew slaves from Egypt. Others have found a parallel in the Israelites’ exile in Babylon. Still others see the UMC living through the same…