An Evening of Celebration
April 23, 2017, at 6:00 p.m.
Liberty, Missouri
Jimmy Nickell will be presented the Founders Award, established in 1998 by the Board of Directors of Associated Baptist Press, the predecessor to Baptist News Global. It recognizes individuals and organizations that have embodied BNG’s founding principles and have supported its mission through significant professional or financial contributions. Jimmy served faithfully and generously as a member of the ABP/BNG Board of Directors from 1994 until his retirement from the board last year.
The Founders Award is BNG’s highest honor for service to the organization. Jimmy is the eleventh recipient and sixth individual to be honored.
Bill Webb will be presented the Greg Warner Lifetime Achievement Award in Religious Journalism. The award, bearing the name of ABP’s longtime executive editor, was created by the board in 2009 to honor journalists whose body of work has contributed in significant ways to the understanding of religion in American society. It recognizes persons who with courage and integrity have addressed important issues related to matters of faith, whose writing and reporting have consistently reflected the highest standards of journalism, and whose work is consistent with BNG’s mission, vision and values.
Bill, who served as editor of the Missouri-based Word & Way newsjournal for more than 20 years until his retirement last December, also served on the board of ABP/BNG for 10 years. He will be the fifth recipient of the award.
The beneficiary of tribute gifts from friends who wish to honor Jimmy or Bill is the Ardelle & Hardy Clemons Endowment Fund, a cause held dear by both award recipients. [Click here] for information about the fund and the campaign to support an innovative residency program in faith-based journalism. To make a tribute gift to the fund in honor of Jimmy or Bill, click here to access our secure, online donation form. Be sure to complete the Tribute Gift section on the form.
If you wish to donate by mail, send your check, payable to Baptist News Global, to BNG, PO Box 21148, Winston-Salem, NC 27120. Be sure to write “Tribute Gift to Jimmy Nickell” or “Tribute Gift to Bill Webb” on the memo line.
Questions? Contact Tasha Gibson, assistant to the executive director/publisher, at (336) 715-1135 or [email protected].