By Brett Younger If you’ve been searching for a new favorite show on television since Matthew Crawley, heir of Lord Grantham, died on Downton Abbey, then mark Sept. 10 on your calendar. That is when “Snake Salvation” debuts on the National…
I had no choice but write this column
By Brett Younger Smilin’ John Calvin was born in France in 1509. Educated as a lawyer, Jean found jurisprudence too free-wheeling so he switched his affection to the church. During his ministry in Geneva, Calvin preached over 2,000 sermons. His…
Preaching peace in a timid church
When ministers are afraid to speak prophetically about peace they fail to be a voice for the Prince of Peace. At the 2012 William Self Preaching Lectures at the McAfee School of Theology, “Preaching Peace in a Crumbling Empire,” Brian…
Why I had an Egg McMuffin this morning
By Brett Younger I boycotted Chick-fil-A for years. This is not an excuse, but I grew up in Southern Baptist churches in the Deep South. I am embarrassed as I look back on my narrow-mindedness, but this is what I…
Preaching peace in a timid church
By Brett Younger At the 2012 William Self Preaching Lectures at the McAfee School of Theology, “Preaching Peace in a Crumbling Empire,” Brian McLaren argued that the Bible is a call to speak God’s word of peace to an empire…
Good Christian Baptists?
By Brett Younger GCB does not stand for “Good Christian Baptists.” ABC’s new, unfunny and uninteresting sitcom was named “Good Christian Bitches” just long enough to get attention for offending the easily offended. The consistently irritating title became “Good Christian…
Skipping Christmas
By Brett Younger For centuries, Christians have celebrated the birth of Jesus by coming to church to sing, pray, remember, give thanks and recommit our lives to Christ. What were we thinking? This year, with Christmas falling on Sunday, many…
Counting the days
By Brett Younger When I was in the seventh grade a white-suited evangelist guaranteed that Jesus would be back in less than five years. Every 13-year-old boy at church that night had the same thought: “I will never get to…
Finding a Bible that fits
By Brett Younger I wandered into the Bible section at a Borders’ going-out-of-business sale and thought, “I need more choices.” Fortunately, the publishers are looking out for me. On Ash Wednesday, new translations of the New International Version (the most…