Our congregation went through 18 months of intense study, prayer and dialogue about LGBTQ inclusion, and we have the scars to show for it. And we would have had scars regardless of which way the decision went. But we are better for choosing the good over the easy.
What happened to my old Kentucky home?
What the KBC is considering doing is forcing all these churches to choose sides once and for all. In this case, “KBC” is proxy for “SBC.” Choose you this day whom you will serve: The SBC or the CBF.
Hiding behind the flag
Shocking as it is, we must be confronted with the humanity of the crises around us. We cannot cover Jesus on the cross any more than we can drape our war dead in American flags in hopes that it will all seem more respectable.
Beware of the ‘Sneak-a-Preach’
What is appropriate in private prayer or in small-group prayer or family prayer or in devotional prayer may not be appropriate in Sunday morning corporate worship. There is a difference.
10 alternatives to Operation Christmas Child
So you love the idea of Operation Christmas Child but you don’t want to support a ministry run by Franklin Graham because of his statements on immigration, religious liberty or America politics. What to do?
Where will you draw the line?
Where will you draw the line on America’s current political and cultural challenges? Lately, every day seems to bring new surprises, new revelations, new moral tests. How far will be too far for you?
Beware these four kinds of spiritual sickness in the church
Most churches do a decent job responding to physical illness by visiting the hospital, bringing casseroles and praying. But few churches know what to do about spiritual sickness, when neither a hospital visit nor a casserole fills the bill.
Before criticizing the SBC on race, look in the mirror
Before wagging self-righteous fingers at the Southern Baptist Convention for nearly failing to pass a no-brainer resolution denouncing the “alt-right,” we should consider carefully whether we are worthy of casting the first stone.
7 tips on giving that eulogy, when the time comes
You may not need this advice today, but sometime in the future it is likely that you could be called upon to speak words of remembrance for a friend, coworker or loved one. When that time comes, it is important…