Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has been issued a warning by one of its primary accrediting agencies, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The Southern Baptist Convention school remains fully accredited while SACS investigates concerns about the school’s governance and…
Four groups warn Texas schools against new chaplaincy scheme
Four church-state separationist groups have sent a letter to Texas school superintendents and school boards warning them a law enacted by the Texas Legislature this year is unconstitutional and they should not take the bait. Not said explicitly in the…
Conservative Baptist Network got $50,000 from far-right political group last year
The Conservative Baptist Network received a $50,000 contribution in 2022 from the far-right political group Turning Point USA, according to tax filings. Its purpose was “awareness of traditional American values.” Turning Point USA is led by Charlie Kirk, who is…
O’Fallon quits CBN, G3 and Alpha and Omega
One of the most controversial leaders with links to the Conservative Baptist Network and the Baptist Calvinist group G3 Ministries has resigned those posts abruptly, claiming he has been the victim of “lies, disinformation, political gamesmanship, false rumors and nonsense.”…
CBF will hire two full-time staff in advocacy
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship intends to double its efforts on advocacy. For the first time, CBF plans to hire two full-time staff members working in this area, one as director of advocacy and one as congregational advocacy manager. Advocacy work…
Conservative Presbyterians reject four proposals to curb sexual abuse
Southern Baptists aren’t the only U.S. denomination struggling with how to prevent and respond to clergy sexual abuse. The Presbyterian Church in America — the more conservative wing of U.S. Presbyterianism — finds itself in a knot as well. An…
In other news, the SBC is not threatened by AI but is threatened by transgender people
Amid all the headlines about the Southern Baptist Convention’s stance against women in ministry last week, other actions that would have made headlines in a normal year fell from view. Two such actions came in the form of resolutions among…
Belmont says no to Promise Keepers after warning of ‘mutilated bodies’ in anti-trans post
Spreading “biblical” hate speech about transgender people apparently got Promise Keepers booted from using a venue at Belmont University for a fall event. Although details are sketchy and contested, the bottom line appears to be that the evangelical men’s organization…
At this Baptist gathering, there will be no debate about women preaching
The national media won’t be on hand, and there aren’t likely to be hot debates over women in ministry when the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship gathers in Atlanta next week for its General Assembly. The largest of two breakaway groups from…