Religious repression remains widespread in Iran, according to a new report released by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. Minority faiths — even including some Muslim sects — and women are most vulnerable to persecution in the predominantly Islamic…
Fletcher Seminary launches this fall, offering 2 graduate ministry degrees
Jesse C. Fletcher Seminary, a ministry-training school launched in the wake of Hardin-Simmons University’s 2020 decision to close its Logsdon Seminary, will begin offering two graduate degrees this fall. Fletcher Seminary is based in San Antonio in facilities of Baptist…
Arizona shields foster, adoption agencies from discrimination lawsuits
Arizona’s faith-based adoption and foster-care agencies soon may refuse to work with people whose religious views differ from their own. Opponents of the new law protecting those agencies insist it will harm children who need safe, loving homes. The Arizona…
Most Americans oppose high court’s decimation of church-state separation, surveys show
Despite recent Supreme Court cases that chopped chinks in the “wall of separation” between church and state, most Americans believe government and religion should butt out of each other’s business, according to polls conducted by the Pew Research Center. The…
A fond, fade-proof 2022 memory: Ezra’s and Marvo’s big Boston adventure
Go ahead and ask me what I’ll remember most from 2022. I’m pretty sure I know what it’ll be. This year’s memory-making competition could be fierce, for sure: History will record Russia’s unprompted, immoral, savage war on Ukraine in bold…
Innovation can convert ‘sacred spaces’ to congregational revenue, church leaders testify
Church property and facilities — often financial liabilities for small congregations — can provide vital revenue streams, participants at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s 2022 General Assembly learned. Two pastors, a preschool director and a community ministry leader helped CBF roll…
Public schools need churches as supporters and advocates, CBF panelists stress
The ongoing attack on public education is prompted by fear, orchestrated across state lines and fueled by money, participants at the 2022 Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly learned. But supporters can make a positive impact for the greater good on…
Churches’ eco-stewardship can protect ‘the tree of life,’ San Antonio congregation shows
With research, planning and commitment, a single congregation can provide a faithful ecological witness and take steps to combat climate change, members of Woodland Baptist Church in San Antonio told participants at the 2022 Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly. Jeni…
Churches must learn to adapt to ‘permanent transition,’ Leonard stresses
Churches must tap into the core of their identity, as well as their calling to ministry, commitment to education and religious experience if they are to survive “permanent transition,” church historian Bill Leonard told participants at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s…