The Bluefield College website has been remodeled and on Aug. 12 the college launched the site to better meet the needs of prospective students, current students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents and friends. According to organizers, those visiting will find…
Leadership network working with Bluefield
Bluefield College and the Southwest Virginia Christian Leadership Network are working together to create off-campus continuing education opportunities for ministers and laypersons. Studies offered would be in areas such as Old and New Testament history and interpretation, church history, Christian…
REVIEW: ‘Heartache’ CD lends reassurance to sufferers
Coping with heartache can be a 24-hour-a-day challenge not only when the doors of the church are open. Some days even people with deep faith can find it difficult to cope in these uncertain times. The newly-released CD, Heartaches Take…
Former President Carter says BWA is well positioned to respond to the world’s de
By Greg Warner There is an “intense hunger” among Christians worldwide-and among people of all faiths-to work for justice and oppose terrorism, despite serious differences of faith, Jimmy Carter said July 30. “There is an intense hunger among Christians around…
Christians need baptism with fire, says Blackaby
By Jim White Henry T. Blackaby, known in Christian circles around the world as the author of Experiencing God, addressed nearly 3,000 delegates of the Baptist World Congress during one of the Thursday morning sessions. After expressing his affection for…
SBC’s withdrawal from BWA a ‘silly’ mistake, says Warren
Affirming that Baptists from around the world can “have unity without uniformity,” Rick Warren told reporters at the Baptist World Alliance's Centenary Congress that the withdrawal of Southern Baptists from the BWA was a “silly” mistake. “God has called us…
Rick Warren challenges Baptists to launch reformation of deeds, not creeds
5{Henderson Urging Christians to pursue “a new reformation” in the 21st century, Rick Warren told delegates to the Baptist World Centenary Congress, “The first Reformation was about belief. This one needs to be about behavior.” “We need a reformation of…
Message from the Centenary Congress
Full text of the BWA's new identity statement Message from the Centenary Congress Baptist World Alliance Birmingham, United Kingdom July 2005 To all Baptist believers throughout the world with love and joy from those assembled together in Birmingham, UK, at…
BWA leaders hope new identity statement will help world to understand Baptists
By Robert Dilday The Baptist World Alliance marked its 100th anniversary by unveiling a new identity statement which BWA leaders hope will be used to clarify Baptist beliefs for other Christians, as well as non-believers. The “Message from the Centenary…