Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye, whose Left Behind series made end-times theology a nationwide topic of discussion, have expressed wariness of NBC's apocalyptic mini-series Revelations, which premiered April 13. One of the series‚ main characters, Dr. Richard Massey, a skeptic…
Jumping on the religious bandwagon
By Helena Andrews “Omnium finis imminet.” The end is here. So warns NBC's miniseries Revelations, based on the similarly named book of the Bible. It premiered April 13 at 9 p.m. Critics are calling it Hollywood's latest attempt to hop…
Church & People News for April 14, 2005
Staff Changes Bryan Brooks, to Windsor Church, Windsor, as pastor. Phillip V. Faig, to Gayton Church, Richmond, as pastor. Tim Kirby, to Hermitage Church, Church View, as pastor. Harold Draper, to Fontaine Church, Martinsville, as interim pastor. Drexel Rayford, to…
Letter for April 7, 2005
Thanks to Virginia Baptists I want to make Virginia Baptists aware of a very important ministry being provided that is often unnoticed: Ministry to ministers and their families when the go through either forced termination or being driven to find…
Virginia Baptists’ response to tsunami relief in India
Contributions from Virginia Baptists for the Indian relief project through March 31 with the following designations: • Southern Baptist Convention (IMB): $96,197 • Baptist World Alliance (BWAid): $39,261 • Cooperative Baptist Fellowship: $77,444 • Virginia Baptist Mission Board: $226,275 –…
WMU of Virginia to have booth at Women’s Show
Woman's Missionary Union of Virginia will once more have a booth at the Southern Women's Show, to be held this year April 15-17 at the Richmond Raceway Complex in Richmond. WMUV has had a booth at the show for more…
VBMB launches certification program
Virginia Baptists have launched a new certification in children's ministry, in response to the growing trend that church staff, especially children's ministers, come from within the congregation. Eleven children's ministers/leaders from across Virginia already have committed to an intense program…
Passion images, ringtones available for cell phones
The next time your cell phone rings, it could be Mel Gibson-or at least the soundtrack from his The Passion of the Christ-calling. Los Angeles-based AG Interactive is making three snippets of the movie's soundtrack available to download as ringtones…
Court bars sentence because jurors used Bible
A convicted rapist and murderer should not receive the death penalty because some of the jurors who sentenced him consulted biblical law in making their decision, according to the Colorado Supreme Court. A closely divided panel of that state's highest…