An open letter from John Upton
Dear Virginia Baptist family:
I would like to congratulate the Baptist General Association of Virginia family for a year of significant ministry. The year 2005 was a year of global and national disasters. The churches that make up the BGAV were generous in providing funds, giving of time and supplying resources to each of these disasters. The impact of that generosity in India related to the tsunami has been transformational. Entire villages and communities are back at work and children orphaned by the catastrophe have a place to call home because of that faithfulness. The churches in India are reporting a new receptivity to the gospel. For that we can only give thanks.
The Gulf Coast area of the United States continues to send letters and articles of appreciation for the swift response of our volunteers and financial resources. Our assistance continues in 2006. Virginia Baptists have shared out of their plenty and God continues to bless.
While Virginia Baptists have responded rapidly to these concerns outside our Commonwealth, we have also been active here at home. Let me share some of the accomplishments of 2005:
• In the past two years, 45 new congregations have been started with 27 of these strong enough to contribute to BGAV ministries.
• We have had over 1,000 volunteers participate in partnership missions and thousands of other volunteers working in Transformers, Impact VA! and other mission projects.
• Thirty-two churches are currently exploring a multi-site approach to church growth. This has given new hope and a new beginning to churches that were close to disbanding. Already six churches have started that ministry.
• Baptist Collegiate Ministries is on the move. A Baptist art center is being developed at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, which will be the first of its kind in the country. Also, many of our campuses are having a stellar year with substantial growth in the collegiate program.
• Woman's Missionary Union of Virginia continues to expand and develop the parish nursing ministry that has contributed to the crisis care units of the disaster relief teams.
• The Developmentally Disabled Ministries homes of the Virginia Baptist Children's Home provide care and comfort for special needs families in the state.
• Oak Hill Academy continues to nurture discipline and Christian character in young men enabling them to live with dignity and purpose.
The list could go on. This vision of churches working together for Kingdom purposes was launched in 1823 and called the Baptist General Association of Virginia. The vision continues today. The strategies have changed, the context is different, new styles are required, but the call is the same. I give thanks for the churches of the BGAV that not only serve faithfully in their Jerusalem but also link arms with one another across the state to enlarge the mission and think Kingdom size. You are transforming the world for Jesus Christ as you work together as part of the BGAV family.
The Cooperative Missions budget (CP) for 2006 is about much more than funds. It is about that, but it is more about the people of God working in a collaborative way to accomplish more together than we could ever do alone. May God bless all the ministries of the BGAV, as we go together.
Yours in Christ,
John Upton, Executive Director
Virginia Baptist Mission Board
Baptist General Association of Virginia