Thanks to Virginia Baptists
First, let me say thank you to Virginia Baptists for the Cooperative Program support in 2004 that exceeded 2003 by close to $500,000. We met the goal, balanced the budget and have begun 2005 with a small surplus.
The BGAV's treasurer's office has received recent inquiries concerning designations specifically to the Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong offerings of the SBC. The VBMB transfers dollar for dollar all receipts and special offerings designated to Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong. As a matter of fact, the VBMB transfers dollar for dollar all designations wherever they go with no administrative charges whatsoever assessed.
I also want to use this opportunity to remind Virginia Baptists that there is no “default plan” or “default track” in the BGAV. Every BGAV church has a chosen giving plan on record in our files. If the remittance form which accompanies a church's giving does not coincide with their chosen giving plan the church is contacted and until the church changes their plan in writing their check is set aside. Churches wishes are followed to the letter. We make no decision for any church. The BGAV giving plans allow for the autonomy of each church to work according to their desires. We like that.
Happy New Year!
Eddie Stratton, Treasurer, BGAV