“Heliocentrism becomes ‘dangerous’ if it is being propped up as the true system when, in fact, it is a false system. False information leads to false ideas, and false ideas lead to illicit and immoral actions ….”
Robert Sungenis
Sungenis, leader of a group of conservative Roman Catholics who point to biblical verses and their church’s original teaching as proof that the Earth is the center of the universe, was quoted by the Kansas City Star.
“You just can’t see Tim Pawlenty holding a tent revival.”
Sarah Pulliam Bailey
The political reporter for Christianity Today was discussing the Republican candidate’s failure to capture the imagination of evangelical Christians. She was quoted by the Daily Beast.
“Immorality, especially sexual immorality, greed and corruption are soaring in China. The government acknowledges this. … Immorality in China is out of control and many in the government believe that Christianity might be the nation’s best hope to establish morality.”
William Jeynes
The professor of education at California State University and non-resident scholar at Baylor University was quoted by Al Jazeera.