The passage of the resolution on genocide in Sudan at the Baptist General Association of Virginia meeting was an extremely significant event. What has been happening in Darfur, West Sudan, the past two years has been happening in Southern Sudan for several decades.
Over 10 years ago Fulaa Lifeline International was begun through the ministries of Greenbrier Baptist Church, Arlington. We have constructed a church in Nimule, Sudan, and are now raising funds for a permanent building for orphans in that area. With Reverend Samuel Juma, I visited that area in July and came away with a deep burden for these good people. We are now partnering with Baptist World Aid, the Alliance of Baptists, CrossLinks International, and the Evangelical Free Church in Sudan in an effective ministry.
Anyone who would like additional information about this ministry may contact me at (703) 750-9242. Please pray for this ministry.
Finney Williams, Arlington