I thought if I arrived for worship about 20 minutes before the service was scheduled to start I would be there in plenty of time. I was wrong. Even though Enon Tabernacle, which can be found at www.enontab.org, has a…
Modeling change for churches
By Bill Wilson Churches are not the only institutions wrestling with the transition from a tradition-bound orientation toward a more relevant contemporary life. In recent years, I have had the opportunity to watch two universities model how to adapt and…
Church gun giveaways send wrong message
A local church in Troy, NY is promoting a gun giveaway and its not the first church to do so. Churches in Texas and Kentucky have offered gun giveaways. The practice of a church gun giveaway sends the wrong message. Is it wrong…
Engaging Compassionate Curiosity on Sexuality
In a recent visit to the Wake Forest Divinity School, Baptist minister and PhD candidate Cody Sanders shared reflections on his book, Queer Lessons for Churches on the Straight and Narrow, and the intersection of the church and human sexuality….
Worship: Taking God’s name in vain?
By Naomi King Walker Most parents go through several phases of correcting inappropriate language their children have picked up somewhere — never from home, of course. A former pastor of mine, trying to reframe his 4-year old daughter’s undesirable vocabulary,…
Truth or Merely the Best Story?
I recently and finally had an opportunity to watch the Oscar-award winning movie, “Life of Pi.” While it wasn’t quite as visually stunning on my home screen as I suspect it was in 3D on the big screen, I thoroughly…
A deeper distress at Ole Miss
By Alan Bean The University of Mississippi just can’t outrun its association with bigotry. In 2012, a crowd of angry white students expressed their displeasure in the wake of Barack Obama’s re-election. And just last month, a small group of…
“I hope this goes viral” and other things destroying human civilization
You probably didn’t notice, but just in case you did- (or, in the extremely likely chance this blog GOES VIRAL AND PEOPLE I WILL NEVER MEET SPEND SOMEWHERE IN THE BALLPARK OF 1 MINUTE SKIMMING ITS CONTENTS WHILE WAITING IN LINE AT A…