By Jim Denison A billboard on the way to my office proclaims “Judgment Day May 21” and states that “The Bible Guarantees It.” The group behind this prediction has purchased 1,200 billboards in the United States and 2,000 in foreign…
Why can’t Americans be honest about the Civil War?
By Alan Bean As we commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, a new Harris Interactive Poll suggests that 54 percent of Americans believe the South seceded over states rights, not slavery.That would have been news to the folks…
While Jesus tarries
By Bill Leonard “But one thing remains to be proved. When did the 2,300 years begin?… Let us begin it where the angel told us, from the going forth of the decree to build the walls of Jerusalem in troublous…
Don’t try to ‘fix’ women in ministry
By Laura Rector I’m in the bookstore at an egalitarian seminary. Unfortunately, not everyone there is an egalitarian. An older gentleman waylays me, finds out what I do, and starts telling me I’m sinning for feeling called and for being…
In praise of press, religious freedom
By Bill Webb The Board of Directors of Associated Baptist Press paid homage to a pair of significant American freedoms with awards May 1 in Winston-Salem, N.C. About 125 people gathered for a dinner honoring longtime Baptist editor R.G. Puckett…
Reflections on the bin Laden killing
By David Gushee For those who projected onto Barack Obama the hope that he would be a transformative figure, a peacemaker/great soul like Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi, the targeted killing of Osama bin Laden ought to put such…
A week to remember
By Bill Wilson Some weeks fade from memory quickly. Others stand out for their significance and impact. This year, the week of Easter and following was a memorable week to learn some indispensable things about being a vibrant and healthy church…
Osama bin Laden’s death — to celebrate or not?
By Bob Ballance Since the news first broke about Osama bin Laden’s death, Americans have been weighing in with their thoughts. Nearly without exception all we are hearing, at least by way of American mainstream media, is celebration and praise….
Must you honor a parent who has hurt you?
By J. Barrett Owen Churches this Sunday will give out a rose and clap for the oldest mother in the sanctuary. They will sing songs about family and pay no attention to the females who haven’t birthed a baby. They…