“Know that this church loves you, prays for you and encourages you,” said FBC Rome pastor Joel Snider, who delivered the charge to Nash. “And know that when you strengthen the local church, you strengthen missions. The church is the…
FBC, Richmond, to host basketball league
The basketball league will be run through Upward Basketball, a program designed to promote salvation, character and sportsmanship to all who participate. Registration for first through sixth grade children has begun and extends through Nov. 10. Registration forms are available…
The storyteller sees and hears and spreads the gospel
Yes, everyone who has an experience to share with anyone who has ears to hear will tell stories. The teller and the listener create the story experience, and bring the story to life. Where will the stories come from? They…
LifeWay publishes findings on Calvinism in the SBC
While LifeWay Research found the number of Southern Baptist pastors embracing five-point Calvinism to be relatively small, it is undeniable that the conversations on Calvinism within the Southern Baptist Convention has brought renewed interest to the 400-year-old theological system. Surveying…
Home again
Sept. 17 was a typical Sunday morning at most Virginia Baptist churches. But for the congregation of Parham Road Baptist in Richmond, it was the first time in over two years that they had gathered for worship at their church…
Pewboy meets Calvin
Pewboy: Oh, I thought you had heard that I had another question and was making yourself scarce! Altar Ego: Well, I had noticed your agitated state. Is this going to be another trivial imponderable like “Given a preacher's favorite Sunday…
Inclusion for the BGAV
Unfortunately, there is a sleeper in all of this. Whoever accepts an appointment must agree to biblical inerrancy and sign off on the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. One always wonders what is really meant by biblical inerrancy. What about…
Page interview
You pointed out that historic Virginia Baptists (myself included) were beginning to question whether they should continue to send money to the SBC if they are denied participation. Page's reply to your query struck a welcome chord when he replied,…
Which Bible?
Page said, “It's not fair not to exclude both conventions in Virginia and Texas to service as trustees.” That sounded good to me until I read the next paragraph, I knew we are getting the same old fundamentalist run around….