Have you ever had occasion to sit on the platform of a church or in the choir and look into the faces of the worshippers? It is sometimes unsettling. I remember such an occasion not long ago looking at the…
ANOTHER VIEW: Room at the inn
Jesus seeks the forgotten, the downtrodden and the rejected people of this world. Why? Because He embodies God's love. He also understands the plight of the rejected: He was born an outcast. On the first Christmas Eve, the subjects of…
Treasure houses
On a recent Sunday evening the lights were dark at the First Baptist Church of Richmond. The members were down Boulevard at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts where they were honoring their pastor, Peter James Flamming. On the last…
News about Virginia Baptists and their ministries for December 21 ,2006
Staff Changes Lowell Wright, to Trinity Church, Louisa, as pastor. Robert Johansen, to Spring Creek Church, Darlington Heights, as pastor. Calvin Sacra, to North Bedford Church, Forest, as pastor. David Burgess, resigning as pastor of Seventeenth Street Church, Roanoke. Ray…
Small church, big impact
To borrow from Abe Lincoln, “God must have loved small churches because he made so many of them.” One of them is Chatham Baptist Church, set to celebrate its 150th anniversary this summer. Chatham Baptist is much like many other…
BCM at Longwood hosts 2 days of continuous prayer
The Baptist Student Center at Longwood University hosted 48 hours of continuous prayer Nov. 17-19, joined by all seven Christian campus organizations at the school. Beginning at 7 p.m. Friday night, students came for hour-long shifts to pray for the…
Church revival
Loudoun County's Ketoctin Baptist Church has an outhouse instead of a bathroom. White painted numbers beneath the front gable date the brick building to 1854, and a plaque inside proclaims the congregation has been teaching “plain and simple truth since…
Ladies trio celebrates 40 years of ministry
December marks the 40th anniversary of a Richmond-area ladies trio called “The Christadoes”—which means, “We Sing Unto Christ.” That name is not only the meaning of “Christadoes,” but it is also the testimony of June Caskey of Grove Avenue Baptist…
Bluefield professor elected officer in national religious profs association
Bluefield College professor Tim Crawford, chair of the division of Christian studies, has been elected to serve as vice president of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion. The BC professor of Bible and Hebrew earned the one-year national…