Tom Stocks, who has served as pastor for 17 years at Rosalind Hills Baptist Church in Roanoke, never thought he would need or take a sabbatical. But in January — after three church capital campaigns in the last five years,…
News about Virginia Baptists and their ministries for August 17, 2006
STAFF CHANGES Rand Forder, to Muddy Creek Church, Powhatan, as pastor. effective Sept. 5. Terry Henley, to New Hope Church, Pulaski, as bi-vocational pastor. Ronnie Campbell, to Bethany Church, Baskerville, as pastor. He had been serving as assistant pastor. Maynard…
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Interns find ways to blend faith and policy. Maggie Machledt says she experiences God in her internship at Joseph's House, a community-based hospice for formerly homeless people. The recent Hope College graduate mops floors, does clerical work,…
On mission together: Jamaican Baptists join First, Richmond, for VBS
“More precious than gold, more lasting than diamonds, is the greatest treasure of all — God's love!” This theme for Vacation Bible School called Son Treasure Island captivated children from First Baptist Church, Richmond, held July 17-21. Studies based on…
On baptism
I was interested to read a recent article about baptism [Herald, July 20]. As it happens, I was raised in an independent Christian church and baptized around age 14. About 12 years later, after my wife and I were married…
Baptismal practices
It amazes me that there are well-meaning church folk who continue to squabble over issues such as proper baptism practices. Do we understand that when we fret over “distinctive Baptist practices” that few in our society understand or care about,…
The first fight
I just read a wonderful review of a new book on the America gospel written by Jon Meacham. It said that America's first fight was over faith. It went on to say that when the Founding Fathers gathered for the…
In the schoolhouse or the church house?
Fifty years ago most children received some exposure to the Judeo-Christian faith tradition in the tax-supported public schools. My faintest recollection is that my school had opening exercises with the pledge to the flag, some Bible verses and a prayer….
ANOTHER VIEW: The stem cell veto
President Bush's veto July 19 of any change in his stem cell research policy was derided by many as a sop to his conservative base. But the price that the president and his party are sure to pay for this…