Registration is now open for families planning to enroll their children in the preschool childcare or the children's conference from June 11-14 in conjunction with the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Greensboro, N.C. For all information regarding registration, visit…
Registration opens for SBC childcare
Segregation undermines churches’ ability to reach society with gospel
By Marv Knox Baptist Standard Christians undermine their ability to reach society with the gospel because they segregate their churches by race, sociologist/author George Yancey told participants in a workshop aimed at racial reconciliation. Yancey, assistant professor of sociology at…
Online registration opens for SBC
Online registration for the 2006 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Greensboro, N.C., opened Feb. 1. Churches will be able to register their messengers online at the SBC website,, to avoid waiting at the counter upon arrival at the…
Brunson may follow Vines as pastor of Jacksonville church
Less than a week after bidding farewell to retiring pastor Jerry Vines, First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Fla.-one of the country's largest congregations-was expected to nominate Dallas pastor Mac Brunson as his successor. The Jacksonville church posted a simple announcement…
‘Manifesto’ supporters say role of community misinterpreted
By Greg Warner Associated Baptist Press The Baptist Manifesto, a theological statement that emphasizes the role of community in understanding Scripture to counterbalance individual freedom, has been misinterpreted by critics as opposing freedom of conscience, say seven Baptist theologians. “We…
Charismatic-leaning Southern Baptists being betrayed, excluded, says pastor
By John Pierce Baptists Today When Paul Pressler and Paige Patterson launched a revolution within the Southern Baptist Convention, they found an eager soldier in Ron Phillips. Phillips, 58, has been pastor of Central Baptist Church of Hixson, near Chattanooga,…
N.C. Baptist newspaper to pick some directors to ‘protect freedom’
By Greg Warner Associated Baptist Press The Biblical Recorder, newspaper of North Carolina Baptists, will choose some of its own directors in a move to preserve its journalistic freedom, say the newspapers leaders. Beginning this fall, the 172-year-old newspaper will…
Jordan’s king urges unity on terrorism
King Abdullah II of Jordan, speaking at a Feb. 2 gathering organized by evangelicals, urged Christians, Jews and Muslims to unite around common values and to consider terrorism as an “attack upon civilization” instead of a “clash of civilizations.” Addressing…