Let me tell you that what is happening in Italy with the help of Virginia Baptists and your teams is wonderful. We had Virginia choirs in many churches in these last weeks singing in our towns, many helping us in…
Waging peace
Beginning with the ancient Christians martyred by the Roman Empire and running through Thomas Becket and to Dietrich Bonhoeffer and beyond, church leaders often have spoken truth courageously to the secular powers-that-be — regardless of the consequences. But, in the…
Corruption, financial pitfalls continue to plague TV leaders
DALLAS (ABP)—For some, Tammy Faye Messner's death July 20 stirred fond memories of a joyful Christian TV personality, and for others, painful memories of the sex-and-money scandal that destroyed her former husband's popular Christian television network. Her death also reminds…
Battling Baptists: Kissing cousins to peace churches
Baptists are known for being theologically diverse. And that diversity extends to Baptists' relationships with their theological cousins, the Quakers, Mennonites and Brethren—the historical peace churches. “Although a few Baptists have opted for pacifism on occasion, most fit better into…
Religion still ‘marginalized’ in foreign policy
WASHINGTON (RNS)—U.S. foreign policy officials have shown an increased understanding of religion's importance to American diplomacy, but the government's activities in that area display a “lack of strategic thinking” that hampers efforts abroad, according to a new report. U.S. officials…
Churches keep peace within by focusing on troops—not on the war
Many Christians with deeply held opinions on an increasingly unpopular war find themselves worshipping with fellow believers on the opposite side of the political divide. Feelings particularly run high in communities near military installations. And some leaders of churches in…
EDITORIAL: Pewboy decries injustice
Altarego: Hey, Pewboy, I didn't know you were a golfer? What's your handicap? Pewboy: (Without breaking his concentration on the ball on the tee before him) Those who have played with me claim my handicap is no particular aptitude for…
MC2 participants ready to take the next step in mission service
LYNCHBURG — More than 600 people gathered at Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center for Virginia Baptists' MC2 Missions Connection Celebration, July 23-28, and were challenged by the conference's theme, “Take the Next Step,” to consider how they and their churches…
SECOND OPINION: What should lawmakers do?
Like Marlo, the Northern Virginian mentioned in the last column [Herald, July 26], 12 million undocumented immigrants expect lawmakers to be active and bold. Nobody should think — and that includes lawmakers — that illegal aliens are in this situation…