A student’s Facebook entry chronicles the painful details of a romantic break-up. Or describes an ill-spent weekend partying with friends. Or scathingly blisters someone who holds differing political views. Fast-forward a few years. That same student sits in a job…
HERITAGE: Getting ready for the Congress!
Virginia Baptists are making travel plans for the 20th Baptist World Congress, the great gathering of the Baptist World Alliance. Every five years the Congress is held in a different location around the world. In July, the Congress is in…
VITAL SIGNS: Pruning lessons
’Tis the season to be about pruning. As an avid gardener with multiple fruit trees in my yard, I find myself thinking a great deal about pruning this time of year. Gardeners know that each type of fruit tree requires…
EDITORIAL: If your church is all about social justice, you’re half right
I’m all about the U.S. Constitution. Next to the Bible, it may be my favorite document. I support and defend the rights of individuals to speak even if everything inside me is shouting, “Shut up!” Like when a thoughtless person…
Airlee Court grapples with its future
ROANOKE, Va. — By a vote of 30 to 5, Airlee Court Baptist Church in Roanoke voted on Sunday morning, March 14, not to give itself to Journey Church, a growing Baptist fellowship in the area. “We would have had to…
Focus is on starting congregations at annual meeting of CBF of Virginia
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.– Church planting was a hot topic a the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Virginia’s annual gathering, held March 11-12 at First Baptist Church in Virginia Beach. Emergent church guru Brian McLauren, featured in a live Skype dialogue at…
GCR advocate to be nominated as SBC president at June meeting in Orlando
ORLANDO, Fla. (BP) — Georgia pastor Bryant Wright will be nominated for president of the Southern Baptist Convention, a Florida pastor announced March 12. The nomination of Bryant Wright, senior pastor of the Atlanta-area Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in…
Children at Chesapeake church learn how to minister
CHESAPEAKE, Va. — The Children in Action at Northwest Baptist Church in Chesapeake participated in Children’s Ministry Day on Feb. 20 by visiting families at the Ronald McDonald House in Norfolk. Northwest's children gather supplies before paying a visit to…
Fredericksburg minister struggles with answers to questions of social justice
FREDERICKSBURG, Va. — Sarah Bush wrestles with big questions: Why do homelessness, hunger and poverty persist in the United States? Where can people in any of those situations turn for help? Bush, who serves as minister of congregational development at…