We’ve all lapsed from something, haven’t we? If we live long enough, we lapse from all sorts of promises, convictions and ideals we thought we’d never relinquish. COVID-19 has enforced collective lapses from restaurants, concerts, movies and sporting events, not…
The Christian citizen: Gospel, conscience and dissent
E Pluribus Unum, the founders declared of their new American Republic, “Out of Many, One.” From 13 furiously independent and diverse colonies would come “one nation,” (“under God,” we would add much later), “with liberty and justice for all.” It…
What Abe Lincoln tells us about Trump, Biden, guns, God and Falwell Jr.
In the land of the free and the home of the I-don’t-have-to-wear-a-mask-if-I-don’t-want-to-even-to-save-lives, we’re less than three months from the presidential election, and it’s getting nastier by the day. On the way to Nov. 3, apparently even God will not be…
‘Disremembering’ our history: Pastor John Onwuchekwa, the SBC and the rest of us
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” — James Baldwin I first learned of the ministry of Rev. John Onwuchekwa, lead pastor at Cornerstone Church, Atlanta, when a friend sent…
Faith can come rather quickly, but conversion takes a lot longer
Simon Peter denied Jesus three times; the Apostle Paul testified to a mysterious “thorn in the flesh” that even heartfelt prayer could not remove. St. Augustine cohabitated with a female “partner” for 15 years. They had a child together, yet…
Tell the Jesus story and stop worrying about numerical growth, historian advises
As if churches didn’t have enough challenges in the 21st century, COVID-19 has added insult to injury, Bill Leonard told participants in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly June 26.
Virtual General Assembly evokes memories of CBF’s foundation, formative role
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s pandemic-induced move to online spaces cannot replace the family reunion function that so many love about the annual event.
No stranger to controversy, Alabama scholar critiques values of Trump, Southern culture
Wayne Flynt is a Baptist minister whose calling frequently lands him in controversy. “My role is to move the Kingdom of God one step closer, day by day,” says Flynt, 78, an acclaimed author and teacher on Alabama politics, Southern…
Switching denominations: Why some Baptist ministers are leaving
“As denominations have declined and become more rigid and doctrinaire, people have gone looking for opportunities in denominations that seem more compatible”