As Christian denominations continue their downward spiral, some experts say the rapid descent is caused by the increasing politicization of the church and the erosion of church-state separation. A Gallup poll released last month found that the percentage of American…
Spontaneous Millennials can be tapped as bigger church givers, studies show
Millennials are more generous with their money in some cases than older Americans, a new report says. The study by the Barna Group examined motivations behind giving to various causes, including family needs, charitable giving and serving God. The findings…
Does breastfeeding in church cross a line? Not for these ministers.
The notion that men will be distracted by breastfeeding may say more about the over-sexualization of women’s bodies than about the alleged inappropriateness of breastfeeding in public.
Churches should drop Easter, Christmas extravaganzas and get out more, experts urge
A few years back — 10 or 15 or so — a small church in Southern California noticed its big holiday productions were feeling a bit stale, especially to younger people. “The old guard was putting on a show for the new people,…
Is the future bright for women in ministry? Survey says some think so.
Attitudes about the role of women in the workplace, in politics and church seem to have made some advances in recent years, new research suggests. In a study released Tuesday, the Barna Group said it found that 94 percent of…
From the marches: Women’s voices continue in days following historic events
Tens of thousands participated in women’s marches in Washington D.C. and around the nation over the weekend. Social media alone testifies that tens of thousands returned emboldened and inspired the experience. “The women’s marches were a phenomenal success and an…
Working for justice is path to peace in 2017, spiritual leaders say
Scrolling through the list of celebrities who died in 2016 seems to take, depressingly, forever. There also were the personal losses and, for many, a political and cultural landscape that seems upside-down. And those are just the personal and domestic…
CBF leader charged with shaping Fellowship’s ‘young Baptist ecosystem’
Devita Parnell is no stranger to the occasional confusion and curiosity elicited by sharing her job title with others: young Baptist ecosystem manager for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. “One time I mentioned my title to a woman at church and…
Asset mapping is key to congregational vision, growth and relevance, church leader says
Mapping congregational or community assets to identify and implement new programs and ministries doesn’t necessarily require professional expertise, according to a CBF minister experienced in the practice common in community development work. “It’s really for anybody,” said Jenny Hodge, a…