There is a school of thought running rampant in congregations these days that sounds something like this: “This is the worst Pastor/Group/Recession/President/Situation/Era/Event that we have ever known! We must get rid of him/her/it/them immediately or we are doomed.” As a…
Justin Welby is reinventing how to be a church leader in a sceptical world
After the revelations about his parentage, the Archbishop of Canterbury showed himself to be humane and generous, not an infallible messenger of an absolute truth.
Excellence eludes pastors not passionate about vision
By George Bullard Early in my ministry I served on the national missions staff of my denomination. These were wonderful years. I served with a group of highly committed staff with a deep passion for helping leaders, congregations and local…
Pastors leave congregations, but God’s vision never leaves
By George Bullard The idea of congregations expecting the next pastor to bring them vision implies some very important things about the ongoing understanding and practice of vision within congregations. First, it implies vision comes from the pastor. Second, it…
Pastors are only one of five keys to visionary leadership
By George Bullard Often congregations put high pressure on their senior or solo pastor to be the originator of vision. It is a classic statement, and by no means an urban legend, that laypersons will say when a church is…
Is social media trending or transforming?
Editor’s note: Faith & Leadership offers sermons that shed light on issues of Christian leadership. A version of this sermon was preached at St Martin-in-the-Fields in London on Sept. 13, 2015. Genesis 11:1-9; John 16:7-15 I’m going to start with…
Leadership is overrated
Leadership is overrated. There, I’ve said it… Recently in a meeting of church and educational professionals I voiced this bias and received a less than enthusiastic response. Most of the persons attending the meeting had some investment in the leadership…