It may be low-grade trauma. I have found it difficult to focus since the events of Jan. 6, when the United States Capitol was overthrown, with lawmakers huddled inside. My lack of focus has left me doom scrolling, watching countless…
Religion Notes: Many young adults believe while most aren’t so sure
-5,000 immigrants anticipated
-American Baptist office on the move
Many Christians quitting church in search of relevant ministry
In the U.S. there are an estimated 65 million dones – Christians who have quit church due to infighting, politics and committee structures. Yet few clergy and congregations seem to be aware of who they are and why they leave.
Signature ministries: ‘The art of human contacts’
The Catholic Worker Movement, one of the most important Christian social ministries of the modern era, began in 1933 in New York during the Great Depression. The founders, Catholic Peter Maurin and journalist/Catholic convert Dorothy Day initiated the movement, Day…
More white men choosing guns over God and church, survey finds
Guns and their inherent power restore in some people a sense of control stripped away by the economic consequences of globalism, say the authors of a new study.
Teens may not be lazy after all, new study shows
Those lazy kids. It’s a centuries old refrain that’s become popular in recent years as faith leaders look for the causes of church decline. But new research suggests teenagers may not be as much to blame as many think. It…
What if church doesn’t matter?
Americans are a remarkably faithful people when it comes to spirituality, yet they are simultaneously, remarkably faithless when it comes to institutional religion. Why? This perplexity borders on cliché since it has been true for a number of years, but…
Report offers good (and bad) news about the state of American faith
A new survey of Christian beliefs and practices opens with what many in the church world would consider very good news: nearly three-quarters of Americans claim to be Christian. Meanwhile, a fifth claim no religious belief or affiliation at all,…
Looking for what is good in a challenging world
Who we choose to be informs how we will live and move and have our being in this world. After all, we are people commanded to be known by the way we love one another. If that is our starting point in all things, we will see the good and hope and promise in the challenges before us.