By Bill Wilson What is the most important staff position at your church? Of course, as a former pastor, I must declare that we cannot function without a pastor. What would we do without a music/worship leader? We cannot live…
Hard sayings, unexpected grace
By Bill Leonard Fifty years ago my parents got divorced after almost 30 years of marriage. A decade or so later, my dad remarried, this time to a “widow woman,” as Southerners say, whom he’d known since childhood. They remained…
Got questions? You’re not alone.
By Amy Butler Listening to a friend share devastating medical news this week, I sat listening and found myself unable to come up with any helpful or even appropriate response. Thoughts flashed through my mind as if on repeat film…
Be who you needed …
By Aileen Lawrimore “Be who you needed when you were younger.” This meme, trending in social media, offers a great reminder to those of us who may have forgotten the struggles of our younger years; it’s also a great suggestion…
Sometimes it’s just a matter of showing up
By Jayne Davis It was really such a simple plan. The group would meet at my house at 4:30 for coffee and dessert and then head off together to the nursing home at 6 to sing Christmas carols for residents…
Locating your door
By Molly T. Marshall I have invested time this summer reading David Brooks’ fine book, The Road to Character. He did not write it quickly — nearly seven years in the making — and in it he contrasts two forms…
When angels laugh
By Doyle Sager What is it about church life and all things religious which cause us to take ourselves so seriously? Jesus seemed to have lots of fun at the expense of the self-important religious leaders of his day. He…
#SayHerName: A shoutout to my sisters in the wilderness
By Elijah Zehyoue #Sayhername! Tell her story! Her name is Hagar. And her story is this: As soon as the Bible begins, we learn of Hagar. As Sarah’s slave we can presume she has been with Sarah and Abraham for…
The rules are for everyone else
By John Chandler Big news in my small county: one of our local deputies was recently arrested for DUI and speeding while off-duty. Many in our community were quite upset at the offense, and those who knew the officer-turned-offender knew…