By Jimmy Gawne Every weekend millions of Americans gather together in homes, sports bars, community centers and even houses of worship. They set aside differences of politics, religion, gender and sexuality. Joined by a bond high speed, each proclaims his…
Reflections on a summer away
By David P. Gushee I am grateful to the editors of Associated Baptist Press for holding a place for me while I took a break from opinion writing this summer. Perhaps I will get broken in again by simply offering…
Life, assault weapons and consistency
By Marv Knox Why do so many people who take a pro-life position on abortion take an anti-life position on possession of firearms designed to execute multiple victims in mere seconds? The profile overlaps: Many Americans who oppose abortion also…
Why I had an Egg McMuffin this morning
By Brett Younger I boycotted Chick-fil-A for years. This is not an excuse, but I grew up in Southern Baptist churches in the Deep South. I am embarrassed as I look back on my narrow-mindedness, but this is what I…
Your money and your mouth
By Angela Yarber I recently penned an open letter to Dan Cathy regarding his public stance against gay marriage. I assumed Christian consumers and LGBT activists — two groups that are not always mutually exclusive — would also respond to…
Food courts and fender benders
Pam Durso We have not yet arrived — not completely and totally. Baptist women serving in ministry still hear words of opposition, encounter suspicions and doubts and experience the pain of exclusion. We are not fully embraced by all, not…
Railing at God, as God rails at us
By Bob Setzer Like most Americans, I am heartsick about the tragic shooting at a theater in Aurora, Colo. When the faces of the 12 people who died so young and full of life scroll past on my computer screen,…
Railing at God, as God rails at us
By Bob Setzer Like most Americans, I am heartsick about the tragic shooting at a theater in Aurora, Colo. When the faces of the 12 people who died so young and full of life scroll past on my computer screen,…
Time to ban assault weapons
By Miguel De La Torre It has been a horrific day, and as I type these words the day is not yet over. I have shed tears. I have hugged my daughter closer. I have yelled and cursed God. I…